
Industrial design – Brazil opens a Public Consultation on the 2nd edition of the Industrial Design Manual

Industrial design – Brazil opens a Public Consultation on the 2nd edition of the Industrial Design Manual

By Antonella Balbo y Rosario Mauro

Last Monday, November 7, 2022, the Brazilian Patent Office (BPTO) opened a Public Consultation regarding the 2nd edition of the Industrial Design Manual, aiming to receive suggestions from the public.

BPTO Public Consultation No. 02/2022, published in the Brazilian Official Gazette refers to chapters 2 (“What is considered an industrial design”), 4 (“Formal examination”), and 5 (“Technical examination”), which will undergo technical and conceptual modifications in the next edition of the Industrial Designs Manual.

Other proposed changes to the Manual refer to electronic filings, as a result of the implementation of the new system for the examination and management of industrial design registration processes (IPAS-DI). The changes related to the adaptation of the Manual to the new system will not be the subject of this public consultation.

Interested parties may send comments and suggestions by email to until December 7, 2022, using the forms available on the public consultation page of the BPTO website.

The draft text can be accessed at

To access the public consultation page, click here.

For further information please contact: y/o

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