
Uruguay implements the II Program of the Patent Prosecution (PPH) Pilot Program within the framework of the PROSUR Industrial Property Cooperation System

Uruguay implements the II Program of the Patent Prosecution (PPH) Pilot Program within the framework of the PROSUR Industrial Property Cooperation System

By Rosario Mauro.

As of December 1, 2022, Uruguay implemented the II Program of the Patent Prosecution (PPH) Pilot Program  within the framework of the PROSUR Industrial Property Cooperation System, for a period of 5 years.

The program allows applicants who have obtained a favorable patentability report in a PROSUR member country to benefit from the work already performed and accelerate the processing times of their patent applications reducing the associated costs by avoiding duplicate administrative actions, patent searches and patent examinations.

In order to benefit from this program in Uruguay, the following main conditions must be met:

  • The application pursued before the Uruguayan Patent Office for which PPH is requested and the application that constitute the basis of the PPH request, must be “corresponding” patent applications.
  • The corresponding application must have undergone substantive examination by a member country of PROSUR or by the corresponding ISA/IPEA.
  • The claims of the application being pursued before the Uruguayan Patent Office, must be sufficiently corresponding to one or more of the claims deemed patentable/grantable by the member country of PROSUR or by the corresponding ISA/IPEA.
  • The Uruguayan application must have been published, the term for the filing of third party objections must have already expired, and it must be in order and in position for substantive examination.
  • The examination of the Uruguayan application must have not started at the time of filing the petition to participate in the PPH Program

This procedure is effective between the National Patent Offices of the PROSUR countries, which are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay

Currently, except Ecuador, all PROSUR countries have implemented the program, establishing specific requirements, conditions and procedures to participate in the PPH Pilot Program. If you are interested in accelerating the examination of an application.

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